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KDOX: GPM Precipitation Science Research Facility

Realtime Plots KDOX WSR-88D

Latest KDOX Imagery

PPI Images

Pseudo RHI Images

Archived KDOX Animations and Plots

Archived KDOX Animations and Plots

Radar imagery on this page was generated using PyART

Helmus, J.J. and Collis, S.M., 2016. The Python ARM Radar Toolkit (Py-ART), a Library forWorking with Weather Radar Data in the Python Programming Language. Journal of Open Research Software, 4(1), p.e25. DOI:

Notes on the Hydrometeor Identfication Images

The HID product is generated using software provided by Colorado State University and is based on the continued work of Dolan et al. (2013). The classifications are:
UC Unclassified
DZ Drizzle
RN Rain
CR Ice Crystals
DS Dry Snow
WS Wet Snow
VI Vertically-aligned Ice
LDG Low-density Graupel
HDG High-density Graupel
HA Hail
BD Big Drops

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