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Disdrometers: GPM Precipitation Science Research Facility

Disdrometer Data

The GPM Precipitation Research Facility (PRF) has deployed a number of gauge networks for studying the spatial temporal variation of precipitation, and to provide validation to radar and disdrometer precipitation rate estimates.

DROP Inventory

PARSIVEL Sensor Status

DROP Inventory

2DVD Rain Intensities

APU Rain Intensities

Daily PARSIVEL Inventory
Daily Drop Inventory
2DVD Rain Intensities
APU Rain Intensities

Precipitation Imaging Processor (PIP)

The Precipitation Imaging Processor (PIP) is an instrument designed by Dr. Larry Bliven at NASA Wallops Flight Facility. Its high-frame-rate records of grey-scale images is able to determine both particle size and fall-speed measurements in both rain and snow. The current model has a frame rate of nearly 400 Hz over a 640 x 480 pixel window. Current efforts are underway to increase the rate to 1000 Hz at 1080p HD resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels).

Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometer (2DVD)

NASA/GPM currently has six Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometers (2DVD) in its inventory. These are identified by their respective serial numbers (SN25, SN35, SN36, SN37, SN38 and our newest instrument SN70). When not deployed for field campaigns, they will be used in support of GPM/PRF science data collection.

Daily 2DVD Quick Looks

Daily Rain Plots (2DVD)
Daily DSD Plots (2DVD)

Parsivel Disdrometer

Daily Parsivel Quick Looks

Daily Rain Plots (Parsivel)
Daily Dsd Plots (Parsivel)


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