TOGA is a C-band Doppler adar that has been deployed numerous times on both
land and sea, including
TRMM/LBA (1999),
NAMMA (2006),
and more recently
TOGA operates at a frequency between 5600 and 5650 MHz with 250 kW nominal power. It can run
multiple pulse widths: 0.5, 0.8, 1.0 or 2.0 microseconds with a PRF from 250 to 2000 Hz. TOGA's
antenna is a 2.44 meter solid metal parabolic dish with a beam width of 1.55 degrees. TOGA
can operate in PPI full, PPI Sector, and RHI modes with a maximum angular velocity of
18 deg/s.
TOGA is currently deployed on Wallops Island next to NASA's
SPANDAR radar and is used for both range support and to provide
pseudo-profiler measurements.
[Latitude: 37.854949N, Longitude: -75.512666W]