Field Campaigns: GPM Precipitation Science Research Facility
Field Campaigns
Global Hydrological Resource Center (GHRC)
GPM GV Field Campaign Collection DOIs
GHRC has created collection level DOIs that resolve to
field campaign landing pages for each of the Global Precipitation
Measurement (GPM) Ground Validation (GV)
field campaigns. The field campaign collection landing
pages contain an introduction to the purpose, location,
and time of the field campaign, the collection citation,
general characteristics, member dataset links, and primary
documentation relevant to the field campaign. We
are currently adding the Field Campaign Collection DOI to
metadata for each data product. The landing pages are:
UCONN 2025: Storrs, Connecticut/UConn (Dec 15, 2024 - March 15, 2025)
UCONN 2024: Storrs, Connecticut/UConn (Dec 13, 2023 - March 15, 2024)
IMPACTS 2023: Storrs, Connecticut/UConn (Jan 15, - Feb 28, 2023)
IMPACTS: Storrs, Connecticut/UConn (Jan 1 - Feb 28, 2022)
ICE-POP 2018 (South Korea, Feb 8-25, 2018)
ICE-POP 2018 (Korea)
[Pyeonchang, South Korea]
The International Collaborative Experiment for Pyeongchange
Olympic and Paralympics (ICE-POP) was held in South Korea in February 2018.
The NASA GPM Ground Validation program assisted the Korean Meteorological
Administration (KMA) with the execution of the International Collaborative
Experiment for the Pyeongchang Olympics and Paralympics (ICE-POP) 2018
field campaign. GPM provided ground-based instruments for forecast and
research studies before, during and after the planned 2018 Winter Olympic
Olympic Mountain Experiment (Olympex)
Integrated Precipitation & Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx)
Iowa Flood Survey (IFloodS)
Iowa Flood Survey (IFloodS)
[Eastern Iowa, May 1 - Jun 15, 2013]
NASA, in collaboration with other government agencies and members of the
U.S. academic research community, conducted a field experiment in
northeastern Iowa called the Iowa Flood Studies, or IFloodS.
The main goal of the experiment was to support Ground Validation program
activities of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite mission.
IFloodS Data Archive
Mid-Latitude Continental Convective Cloud Experiment
NASA MC3E Field Campaign Page
[North Central Oklahoma, ARM Site, Apr 22 - Jun 6, 2012]
The Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) took
place in central Oklahoma [MAP] from April 22 through June 6, 2011.
The experiment is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research
Facility and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission Ground Validation (GV)
program. The field campaign leveraged the unprecedented observing
infrastructure currently available in the central United States,
combined with an extensive sounding array, remote sensing and in situ
aircraft observations, NASA GPM ground validation remote sensors,
and new ARM instrumentation.
MC3E Data Archive
GPM Cold Season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEX)
NASA GCPEX Field Campaign Web Page
[Ontario, Canada/Great Lakes Region]
GCPEx was conducted over and near the Ontario, Canada/Great Lakes
Environment Canada CARE site from January 17 to February 29, 2012.
The experiment is designed to measure properties of falling snow for
understanding frozen precipitation processes in association with
improving and quantifying the detection limits and estimation errors
of snowfall retrieval algorithms being developed for GPM. GCPEx
addressed topics related to satellite algorithm development
including assessment of minimum detectable snow rates, discrimination
of rain and falling snow, discriminating falling snow from snow-covered
land surfaces, microphysical assumptions in the algorithms, spatial
heterogeneity of precipitation and its relationship to the aforementioned topics.
GCPEx Data Archive
HYdrological cycle in Mediterranean EXperiment (HYMEX)
HYdrological cycle in Mediterranean EXperiment (HYMEX)
HyMEX was a major experimental program aiming at better quantification
and understanding of the hydrological cycle and related processes in the
Mediterranean, with emphases put on high-impact weather events and
regional impacts of the global change including those on ecosystems and
the human activities.
Last update: November 5, 2021