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Staff: GPM Precipitation Science Research Facility

Wallops GPM/PRF Staff

GPM Flight Project

Dr. Will McCarty NASA HQ, GPM Program Scientist
Dr. George J. Huffman NASA GSFC, GPM Project Scientist
Dr. Erich Stocker NASA GSFC, PPS Director and GPM Deputy Project Scientist for Data
David B. Wolff NASA Wallops Filght Facility, GPM Deputy Project Scientist for GV and GV System Manager

GPM Precipitation Research Facility

David B. Wolff Chief, Field Support Office, NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Michael R. Watson Senior Radar Engineer, Task Lead, (Orbital/ATK)
Charanjit S. Pabla Radar Scientist (SSAI)
Carl R. Schirtzinger Machinist Model Maker (ASRC Federal Space & Defense, Inc.)
Alexey V. Chibisov Electrical Engineer (ASRC Federal Space & Defense, Inc.)
Theresa A. Graydus Ground Validation Systems Technician (ASRC Federal Space & Defense, Inc.)
Mick J. Boulanger Associate Programmer/Data Analyst (SSAI)

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