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NASA/GPM Olympex Radar Assets

NASA S-Band Dual-Polarimetric Radar (NPOL)

NPOL is NASA's premier weather radar. It is one of only two transportable S-band dual-polarization radars (the other being NCAR's SPOL). When not being deployed for PMM/GPM field campaigns. NPOL has a wavelength of 10.65 cm, an operating frequency of 2700-2900 MHz, variable PRF of 500 and 1000 Hz with a 0.95 degree beam width. NPOL can operate with both horizontal and vertical polarization in both simultaneous and alternating modes. The radar has a prime-focus parabolic reflector which is 8.5 m in diameter and is housed on five sea-tainers. When readied for deployment, the entire radar and antenna system is stored within the five seatainers.

Latest Birdbath (Zdr Bias) Image

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Latest NPOL PPI Imagery

Current Sounding: Current Sounding: 01/14/2016 @ 23 UTC.



Differential Reflectivity

Rain Rate


Intercept (Nw)

Mass-Weighted Diameter

Hydrometer ID

Latest NPOL RHI Imagery

Current Sounding: Current Sounding: 04/30/2020 @ 15 UTC.



Diff. Reflectivity

Rain Rate


Intercept (Nw)

Mass-Weighted Diameter

Hydrometer ID

Click each image to zoom

Notes on the Hydrometeor Identfication Images

The HID product is generated using software provided by Colorado State University and is based on the continued work of Dolan et al. (2013). The classifications are:
UC Unclassified
DZ Drizzle
RN Rain
CR Ice Crystals
DS Dry Snow
WS Wet Snow
VI Vertically-aligned Ice
LDG Low-density Graupel
HDG High-density Graupel
HA Hail
BD Big Drops

Send questions or suggestions to David B. Wolff    

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