Olympic Mountain Experiment (Olympex)
The Olympic Mountain Experiment (Olympex) was held in northwest Washington
on the Olympic Peninsula. Olympex was the last planned GPM GV field campaign
sponsored by NASA. The main goals of Olympex were:
Physical validation of the precipitation (rain and snow) algorithms for
both the GMI and DPR.
How precipitation mechanisms in midlatitude frontal systems and their
modification by terrain affect GPM rainfall estimation uncertainties.
Quantifying the accuracy and uncertainty of the GPM precipitation data and
its hydrologic applicability.
Merging numerical modeling and satellite observations to optimize
precipitation estimation in hybrid monitoring systems of the future.
Latest version of the
Olympex Operations Plan
NASA Instrumentation
NASA provided support for field operations of several disdrometers (Parsivel,
Joss-Waldvogel, and Two-D Video), rain gauges (tipping bucket) and its S-band
transportable dual-polarimetric radar (NPOL), as well as its Dual-frequency,
Dual-polarization, Doppler Radar (D3R).
Rain Gauges/Soil Moisture |
Two-D Video Disdrometer |
Autonomous Parsivel Units |
Micro Rain Radar |
D3R |
Send questions or suggestions to
David B. Wolff