Wintertime Precipitation Observations over Connecticut
NOTE on Quick Look Products
The images and data provided below are for quick look review and are not suitable for scientific analysis.
Once the data has been quality controlled, they will be released to the general public at no cost. If you have
questions, please contact the GPM Deputy Project Scientist for Ground Validation:
NOTE: Clicking on any of the images below will bring up a considerably larger image in a separate window.
Latest Instrument Inventory by Day
Rain Gauges
According to
The MetOne precipitation gauges measure rain and/or snow in all environments
using a tipping bucket mechanism. The economical tipping bucket design allows accurate,
repeatable measurements, requiring no regular maintenance. Each model in the 370D-380D Series
is optimized to meet particular site and sampling requirements and exceeds EPA specifications.
Micro Rain Radar
According to
The Micro Rain Radar MRR at 24 GHz is a unique
meteorological radar profiler for Doppler spectra of
hydrometeors in height ranges 15 m ... 6000 m. The high
resolution in time and height enables the MRR to monitor the
genesis of frozen hydrometeors, the melting zone (bright
band) and the formation of rain drops. With the derived rain
rate the MRR offers a calibration of weather radar. The MRR
has been adapted even for monitoring of avalanches and
Daily plots generated by GPM GV group.
Parsivel Disdrometers (APU)
According to
OTT Hydromet...
The OTT Parsivel is a modern laser disdrometer for
comprehensive measurement of all precipitation types. The
Parsivel captures both the size and speed of falling
particles, classifying them into one of 32 separate size and
velocity classes. The raw data are used to calculate the
type, amount, intensity and kinetic energy of the
precipitation, the visibility in the precipitation, and the
equivalent radar reflectivity.
All-in-One (Temperature, Humidity, Wind)
According to
The AIO 2 Weather Sensor provides measurements of wind speed, wind
direction, ambient air temperature, relative humidity, and barometric
pressure in a single, compact, rugged unit. It integrates a folded-path,
low-power sonic anemometer with a precision thermistor temperature
sensor, fast-response capacitive relative humidity sensor, and a
state-of-the-art barometric pressure sensor. It also includes an
internal flux-gate compass that allows for automatic alignment of wind
direction to magnetic north, regardless of the sensors orientation.
RM Young Anemometer [D3R only]
OTT Pluvio Weighing Rain Gauge
According to
OTT Hydromet...
The OTT Pluvio² is an all-weather precipitation gauge that uses superior weight-based technology
to measure the amount and intensity of rain, snow, and hail. Developed in conjunction with
industry-leading meteorological services, the OTT Pluvio² employs a high-precision load cell
and algorithms that compensate for wind, temperature, and evaporation, ensuring the highest
accuracy precipitation measurements over time.
Precipitation Imaging Package (PIP)